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quarterly mission incubator

Imagine jumping out of bed every day with clarity and eagerness because you know exactly what you need to do and you have a strong sense of why.

Visualize yourself no longer procrastinating on the key actions that will move your life forward. Hear your voice fearlessly declaring who you are and what you stand for. Feel the thrill gaining momentum in your actions and achieving compounding results.

Alright, stop imagining. Let’s make this vision your reality!

The Quarterly Mission Incubator is a deep dive where in the concise window of a weekend we craft the alignment needed to propel you into an extraordinary 12-week streak of impactful work.

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What you are up against

We live in a world full of distractions.

With so much loud information, choices and demands screaming at us from every corner, it’s easy to lose touch and forget what really matters.

We make decisions that seem "logical" but totally discount our heart and even our body.

We end up racing a race we did not really choose and creating results that nobody really wants.

These forces never stop.

The wiring of our brain combined with the intense world we live in constantly recreate this disruption. Whether right now you are rocking your life, or feeling totally lost, or find yourself somewhere in between, all of us need to mobilize a disciplined effort to keep our lives going where we want it to go.


The solution: Embark on a mission!

Being on a Quarterly Mission means being empowered by:

  • A chosen destination: You have your eyes on a specific target that really matters to you and that represents an amazing - and yet achievable - leap.

  • An enhanced sense of focus: You get done more in less time, it becomes easy for you to know what you are saying "yes" and what you are saying "no" to.

  • A heightened sense of energy: You are fired up because you can feel how you are moving forward on your goals on a daily basis.


I'm sure you found yourself in this "mission mode" at some point in your life.

Remember how exciting that was.

Remember how proud you felt for your accomplishment.


The Quarterly Mission Incubator is about deliberately entering that state of mental and emotional alignment and operating from that place for 12 straight weeks.

Can you see what becomes possible when you operate from that place?

how it works

The Quarterly Mission Incubator helps you develop four driving forces:

Inspiration, Strategy, Action-focus and Community:


There is a time for feeling.

It's easy to just get busy, but that alone doesn't lead to fulfillment.

We first need to get quiet.

Connect with gratitude and wonder.

Strike a conversation with our future self. Remember what is it like to forgive, let go and let come. 

Get to feel right in our guts what it is that we are called to bring forth at this time in our life.


There is a time for taking the leap.

We need to learn how to get excited being uncomfortable. We need to grow the muscle of being okay with things getting messy and staying motivated through the slumps. We need to figure out how to stick to the plan while also changing parts of it as reality hits and you need to adjust.

You have prepared for a lifetime for this moment, and now it's time to make it happen.


There is a time for thinking.

Success usually comes from nailing the 20% actions that generate 80% of the results. But discerning what exactly those things are is not always straightforward - in fact, it's often counterintuitive. Clarifying priorities, powerfully discerning between strategies and tactics, understanding how each project has a life cycle, these are only a few of the keys to achieving great results.


Together we are stronger.


We're going to form support and accountability teams, that will be active during the Incubator as well as over the course of the following 12 weeks. We're going to engage in deep conversations. Our listening of each other is going to be the catapult to listen deeply to ourselves. The most fertile ground for powerful ideas and sustained action is in the company of fellow seekers. 

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The benefits

Participants who dive deep and apply what they learn in the Quarterly Mission Incubator can expect to experience:

  • Reduced worry about failure and timeline

  • Reduced sense overwhelm from being confused or spread too thin

  • Reduced waste of money and time delving into ineffective tangents and escapism

  • Reduced sense of isolation and loneliness

  • Increased volume, speed and reliability in executing success-critical actions

  • Increased accountability and connectedness with other fellow seekers 

  • Increased clarity and commitment on what you want to pursue 

  • Increased confidence in the value of your actions

  • Increased tenacity in the face of adversities

  • Increased creativity in the definition and pursuit of your goals

  • Increased capacity for problem solving as you go

  • Increased ability to protect time dedicated to your health

  • Increased satisfaction in the relationships with your loved ones as a result of better prioritization and boundaries.

Hear directly from previous participants about what they gained:

First day of the first week of our twelve week commitment to excellence. The day after an intense, joyful, expansive, fun, mind-boggling weekend online retreat! Nicolo led us masterfully through play and movement to the deepest questions we dare not ask, creating a safe structure for us to explore, together and individually; discovering new perspectives about where we want to go and who we wish to be.  Connecting the future to the present is such an immense gift, and really motivating. This morning I jumped out of bed, so excited to get going with the strategies and systems we put so very carefully in place over the weekend. I have not felt this energized, alive and joyful since Covid began, a full ten months ago! I am so happy and grateful I decided to attend this workshop and have promised myself this invaluable gift every year, as long as you offer it! Your gentleness, patience yet firmness in guiding us, with encouragement, humor and incredibly precise language offer a solid, grounded foundation from which we can take flight. I have never felt this kind of elation and excitement when committing to a goal and knowing with unequivocal certainty that it will be realized, since success is guaranteed. I am in awe and overflowing with gratitude and joy. Thank you Nicolo and the entire group, looking forward to the weekly check-ins! I encourage everyone to experience this workshop and make sure you tell your friends. 2031.... I am on my way!

Lisa Marcovici

Director, Rekinexion

I was surprised by how powerful this was. I felt so enthusiastic about having that level of clarity. And surprised about my level of commitment, how much it meant to me, and it was effortless, because how deep it was. The health goal has set a beautiful momentum, and that has helped tremendously. And the career goal was also online, until everything changed 10 days I’m learning how to adapt and stay with that intention despite all the changes. Because in the last 10 days the reality has changed so much, the ability to adapt is key.

Bhaskar Goswami

Founder, Global Daana

There is an old saying from Hebrew Scriptures, “Without vision the people perish.” I think it’s also true to say, that ‘With vision, we come alive!’ Nicolo’s Incubator was such a powerful and holistic experience that has enlivened me in this time of uncertainty.  The impact is continuing to ripple as I act on my daily tactics, to achieve my 12-week goals that are tied into my vision of what my life will look like in 2031! Nicolo’s grounded, calm, clear, and generous presence (even on Zoom!) welcomed me into this experience that invited us to take seriously the gift of our life and what wants to be born in us. I’m deeply grateful. And I would highly recommend any workshop Nicolo is facilitating. Do it! Your future self will thank you. “

David Westerlund

Leadership Coach

So many things to be proud of...since the Incubator I've been doing yoga and meditation every morning, and when I don’t have time, I remember the spinal twist. One of my goals was to put a lot of energy into my book, and be part of a pitch contest, and I did it, I launched my crowdfunding campaign, I won the pitch contest, I got funding from Desjardin, I prepared a lot from it and received support, and my campaign succeeded and got 150% goal. I am proud of how much I have been able to reach out to my network, of how I have been able to connect with many new people. I’ve brought my work into schools, kids loved it, they were so enthusiastic. Oh, and I even got a new job. I am proud of all of it. Setting goals is amazing.

Annick Davignon

Strategic Advisor

Quarterly Mission Incubator details

January 5 - 7, 2024

Online (Zoom)

Maximum of 20 participants

Day 1

Date: January 5th, 2024

Time: 5-8pm EST

  1. Forming mission teams

  2.  Inspiration Session 1

  3. Q&A 

Day 2

Date: January 6th, 2024

Time: 7am - 6pm EST


  1. Inspiration Session 2

  2. Q&A

  3. Strategy Session 1

  4. Strategy Session 2

  5. Q&A

Day 3

Date: January 7th, 2024

Time: 7am - 2pm EST


  1. Action Session 1

  2. Action Session 2

  3. Q&A

  4. Mission teams fine tuning

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Activate your "mission mode" and generate extraordinary quarterly results:

Join us for the next
quarterly mission incubator

January 5 - 7, 2014, Online

All prices are in USD

Join Solo


That's about the price of a White Chocolate Mocha at Starbuck (small size) every day for the 12 weeks of the quarter. Instead of getting high blood pressure, you'll advance on your life goals!

A limited number of partial scholarships are available to support highly motivated individuals who are facing financial hardships.

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Join with a Partner



Take with you somebody whom you'll love to have on the journey. Whether they are directly involved in your projects or they are just going to be a support & accountability buddy, it's so much more fun and impactful to do this with somebody you already know and care about!

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Join as a Team

245$/person (3 or more)

You can bring your whole team and use the incubator as un unprecedented opportunity to maximize your alignment and elevate your ability to function as a cohesive unit for the entire quarter.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" (Margaret Mead).

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